CheckWriter™ "FIX IT Support™"
New service available called "FIX IT
for a flat rate of $49.99
Here is how it works: -
Broadband Required
1. Place an order for FIX-IT Support™
2. Select your call back window.
3. FIX-IT Support™ will call you on-time.
4. Go to
http://checkwritersupport.com and enter
the "Support Key" provided by the phone rep.
5. The FIX-IT Support™ representative will
your issue OR you will not be charged, period.
- Must have a valid registered copy of
CheckWriter™ software
and CD ROM available. Solution may require upgrade to version 7.9+
- Must enter support key from computer terminal with the support issue.
- FIX-IT Support™ cannot recover deleted data if no back up is present.
- Repeat calls for missed appointments will incur a $5 per
call charge.
terms of service
for additional details.