- Why was my check returned for Endorsement Irregular?
- Why was the deposit returned as Endorsement Irregular?
- What does Endorsement Irregular mean?
- What do Endorsement Irregular messages mean?

Endorsement Irregular 
- Irregular Endorsement - Checks can be returned for irregular endorsement when there is a problem with the endorsement such as a signature mis-match, account number problem or if the endorsement cannot be read. 

Checks can also be returned for irregular endorsement if the endorsement goes below the like that says,    "Do not endorse or write below this line." 


If your check is returned for irregular endorsement, you may be able to re-endorse the check so that the bank will accept it.

In some cases, you may want to go into the bank and work with a teller or bank manager to ensure the endorsement is acceptable when you try to re-deposit the item.     



Use services that will check the validity of your checks and drafts before you deposit the items. If you don't know how to contact the bank once the check is returned, call the bank phone number. You can use RoutingTool to verify the Routing Number or BetterCheck to verify the check.


               - Reasons For Return Main Page
               - Not Sufficient Funds

               - Uncollected Funds Hold
               - Stop Payment
               - Closed Account
               - Unable to Locate Account
               -   Frozen Account
               - Refer to Maker
               - Not Authorized