- Why was my check returned for Signature Irregular?
- Why was the deposit returned as Signature Irregular?
- What does Signature Irregular mean?
- What do Signature Irregular messages mean?

 (s) Irregular - Irregular signature or signature irregular returns are caused by asignature that does not match the account holder, or if the signature appears damaged, altered or otherwise obscured.  

Signature Irregular checks cannot be re-deposited. 

A new item must be obtained from the maker of the check.




Use services that will check the validity of your checks and drafts before you deposit the items. If you don't know how to contact the bank once the check is returned, call the bank phone number. You can use RoutingTool to verify the Routing Number or BetterCheck to verify the check.


               - Reasons For Return Main Page
               - Not Sufficient Funds

               - Uncollected Funds Hold
               - Stop Payment
               - Closed Account
               - Unable to Locate Account
               -   Frozen Account
               - Refer to Maker
               - Not Authorized