Checks for Clunkers - $50
- How can I get cash for
Chekfaxx Software
- How can I get cash for
- Can I get CheckWriter instead of getting
Chekfaxx Upgrade?
Chekfaxx Software
Until You Read This.
All versions of Chekfaxx Software qualify for the "checks for clunkers, " program.
The program is designed to take outdated
check drafting software, non-compliant applications,
unauthorized version releases, and other "clunker" check
drafting packages that may not be fully compliant with current
ABA and Federal Reserve regulations or standards.
These "clunker" software products clog up bank processing
facilities, slowing the pace of business, costing banks and
consumers, and inhibiting economic growth. Don't upgrade
Chekfaxx, get $50 paid directly to your credit card or debit card
when you trade in your Chekfaxx Software for CheckWriter™.
How to qualify for $50.00:
To get the payment, check the list of qualifying software below.
If you have one of these brands, we will give you $50 towards
the purchase of CheckWriter™ Brand
Software - the industry standard.
Software that will qualify for a
payment toward CheckWriter™:
Checker Software
- Checker Pro Software
CheckMan Software
Check Man Upgrade
Checknique Software
Checknique Upgrade
Check Composer Software
CheckMatic Software
Chekfaxx Software
Check Fax Software
Draftability Software
Draftability Upgrade
- Q-chex Brand
Q Checks Software
Q-Checks Upgrade
My Personal Check Writer
My Business Check Writer
My Check Writer Home and
Upgrade My Personal Check
- QuickPay Office Pro Software
Office Pro Upgrade
Quick Pay Upgrade
Versa Check Brand
VersaCheck Pro
Versa Check Upgrade
Steps to take:
1. Order CheckWriter™
Single User Version,
Best Deal Package,
Network Edition or
Enterprise Edition at the posted price.
2. Fax your receipt and order number along with a receipt or web
order confirmation for any of the brands listed above within 30
days of placing your order to 617-249-0850. If you do not have
your original receipt, you can also photocopy and then fax the
face of the CD ROM that corresponds with one of the listed
clunker brand names. If the software did not come on CD
ROM or Floppy Disk and you have no receipt, your other option is
to open the software and print the ABOUT screen showing the
brand name and version, and that it is registered and not a
trial version.
3. Once your proof of ownership is received, a $50 payment will
be made to your credit or debit card within 30 days or less.
Checks for Clunkers

Not convinced?
Click Here to see why you should choose
Software available for download may be illegal. See this
article about the danger of software classified as 'financial
services' that is available for download.
Do not download check by fax